Founder of the Publishing House KRPOCH Publishing: Kharkiv Regional Public Organization "Culture of Health" (abbreviated name – KRPOCH) is a non-profit, non-governmental institution—certificate of state registration of a legal entity AOO No. 498389, 04/22/2005.
Certificate of state registration of the Publishing House KRPOCH Publishing DK No. 4387, 08/10/2012.

The purpose of the Publishing House KRPOCH is to publish periodicals and non-periodicals for society's benefit and improve life.

The publishing house publishes in the following areas:
- periodicals (Journals IJSA, IJES, etc.);
- monographs;
- collections of scientific articles;
- articles and abstracts of reports at conferences;
- teaching and methodological manuals on education, science, culture, and health;
- booklets on education, science, culture, health;
- information leaflets on current educational, scientific, cultural, health, and social issues.

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